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Restrictive meal plans, counting macros, weighing portions or…reject diet culture entirely and eat anything we want? These two extremes appear to be the only options in the diet, nutrition and fitness industries. What if, instead, there was a workable, livable solution that deftly navigates the middle? The moderation mindset teaches just that.

The 4 Week Weight Loss Breakthrough created by fitness & wellness expert Janis Saffell, promotes eating for a healthy lifestyle. Importantly, the program also teaches how to listen and in-tune with your body, re-learn hunger cues and create a healthy positive mindset around where you are right now in your health & weight loss journey. The 4 Week Weight Loss Breakthrough is based on 4 main components (Mindset, Nutrition, Exercise, and Daily Self-care Self-Love Commitments), which is proven to deliver impactful results. The program is completed in four weeks with LIVE coaching from me & and my panel of experts in the field.

The moderation mindset centers itself on neither eating perfectly nor restrictively. The program teaches you a healthy balance and we work on the concept that we want to avoid the dreaded feeling of deprivation - essentially, the idea that overindulging will always lead to deprivation and vice versa. If you are too rigid during the week, for example, you are likely to overindulge on the weekend. Or if you follow a strict diet during the day, you might binge at night. I want to help you confidently "navigate the middle." Instead of a low-calorie salad with olive oil and vinegar, "navigating the middle" might include adding raw nuts, a protein source, and a good fat. Ideally, you will learn to even out the highs and lows of eating and focus on satisfaction, rather than gluttony or deprivation, after every meal.

I want my clients to practice mindfulness around food in the 4 Week Weight Loss Breakthrough framework with healthy meal planning and pay close attention to what your body is telling you need. People with a long history of dieting tend to only register "starving" or "stuffed", and often do not pay attention to hunger and energy cues. Practicing mindfulness can include simply slowing down or having you check in with your body and ask:

  • How hungry am I right now?

  • Is my energy stable?

  • How satisfied do I feel with this meal today?

  • I’m I thirsty?

Asking these questions often throughout the day can help hone mindfulness.

Most food behaviors are shaped during adolescence or young adulthood, and unconsciously affect how we eat today. Struggling with a food scarcity mindset is a common affliction; this often involves justifying unhealthy choices or overindulging, in fear of missing out on a "special occasion" food experience. In contrast, practicing an abundance mindset centers on the premise that most foods, even special ones, are actually available at any time. Restricting certain foods until a special occasion typically renders that food illicit, and therefore troublesome; when the person finally allows themselves to eat the special food, they're far more likely to overindulge. Simply acknowledging that the special food can be enjoyed at any time reduces the control and power that particular food carries and usually reduces the obsessive desire.

There are 3-5 eating behaviors that can keep you mostly on track. These habits keep energy balanced, cravings low, and hunger stable. Each habit should be enjoyable, effortless in the sense that it can fit into your schedule, and effective your goals. Examples include eating protein at every meal, having one large salad every day or having a vegetable at every lunch and dinner. These behaviors are individual to each person and can change over time. When my clients are overwhelmed with all of the nutrition information out there or have a hectic schedule, if you can consistently eat nutritionist dense food 80-85% of time, you will be right track.

We will also address the concept and quit the all-or-nothing mindset. Calorie counting and food rules, use a significant amount of mental energy and are not sustainable. The ultimate goals of this eating lifestyle are to unlearn dieting rules, eat similarly regardless of the day or occasion, learn to get back in touch with hunger and energy cues, and to learn how to eat "normally" FOREVER.

Are you ready to make a change?

Reserve your spot we start Monday, Sept 26th. Click here



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