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Hello, my name is Doreen Gruber, I am 39 years old and have been a fan of Janis Saffell since I started teaching aerobics about 7 years ago. I fell in love with her videos (especially kick box) and incorporated her choreography in my own classes. Next I fell in love with her music I have purchased many tapes, then moved up to CD's (yes that is how long it's been there were no cd's) My favorites Kick It!, South Beach Slam and most of all Kick box 6 special edition. I have truly been influenced by Janis!
I have my own success story. I lost 68 pounds and have kept it off for 20 years (age 16). But, my body at 39 has made a huge change in the past few years through weight and strength training and aerobics. Janis motivated me and now I have definition to my body that did not exist before. I have also had 2 children since the big weight loss ages 8 and 2. I had 2 C sections and NO plastic surgery and feel pretty good about myself. We always want more but I know that I made a huge change in my life and I get great joy in motivating others to make the same changes. I never thought I could enjoy something so much and get paid to do it. It is very fulfilling when people come to me and let me know how much they love to take classes and how they want to keep coming back. I met Janis at a Fitness Conference in 2001 and continue to keep myself current though her videos, conventions and websites. Not to mention the outrageous Couture Wear line!!! I have 4 outfits and keep a wish list. By the way, Thank you Janis for your great enthusiasm which has infected me and keeps me aiming higher. I will be at the FITXS conference and hope to learn even more.
Age: 39
Height: 5 ft 3 in
Before: Rock bottom weight (age 16) 187 lbs (size 18)
With both children tipped the scales at 183 & 181
Post partum 163 & 165
After: Current weight 128 (size 4)
Hi, this is Francesca, I'd like to tell you things that are important to me. Basically, I think that life is too short- not to get up and sweat. I started to practice aerobics since I was 18, and, since here in Italy, we haven't the culture of fitness (I think all the new trends come from USA) here most of the people go to the gym to talk or to show a new sweater!!! I personally go to the gym to work hard, so I started to buy videos and I found a video of Janis Saffell (All new express kickbox), I found it amazing, Janis made kickboxing possible for girls, we can burn a lot of calories while maintaining our femininity. She has such wonderful energy. I started to practice kickboxing, and through Janis's videos I came to love pilates and yoga. I learned to listen to my body, to understand if someday I need to relax and do yoga (to improve flexibility) or I have a lot of energy and need to do cardio to burn some calories ( because here in Italy we eat alot!!!) and in general my daily workout saved me when I had to go through bad times or when I broke up with boyfriend of many years. PS I like the "Spanish Lessons" inside most of Janis's videos.
Love the new web site! Wow, you are truly an inspiration as a fitness role model.
Here is my success over the past 10 months: While I was already "fit" I wanted to get into better aerobic condition for tennis. I began immediately after Thanksgiving (I love turkey!) at a peak weight of 220 pounds, 6' 1", bodyfat @ 16.7%. I dropped my weight to 190 (been here for 3 months); bodyfat of 11.8%. Incredible shape for me (best in 15 years) at 46 years old. I finished in the finals of a USTA open event (despite my "age") and lost to an up and coming teenager (that didn't hurt my feelings!) Feeling great and so much better in my joints. I really focused more on cardio, kept my weight workouts basically the same (chest, back/shoulders, arms, legs on a rotation of once per week, one bodypart(s) per workout) with 45 intense minutes of cardio.
I used two of your tapes for inspiration (looking at someone that looks as good as you do helps!) and especially, stretching. I was really "bad" in my efforts to stretch and you provided the focus to get that part of my workout in place. My abs are back to a six pack @ 190 lbs and I'm feeling great!
Thanks again for the great inspiration! - Luke
I just had to email you to tell you how impressed I am with your 2 new DVD's; Brand New But Plus Pilates and Hardcore Kickbox Circuit. I have been a fan of yours for several years now; even during your CIA video days; and you definetly have me hooked! Since I have purchased the DVD's in Sept. I have lost 8 lbs and several inches.! Something I have been working on since I had my son May 2002! I have been alternating the DVD's over 5 - 6 days a week and it is really working. I'll mix up the workout and also incorporate your other videos as well to make it fun.
Your such an inspiration and you make my workout so much fun that you now have my 8 and 5 year olds wanting to work out with me. I believe the new word my kindergartner had been saying is "fierce"! Wonder where she got that from ?!!
I know you are a very busy person; so this email is just a thank you for gettin me motivated and getting me up in the morning. I did receive your email a while back when you were presenting ideas for new videos. Was wondering if you will be making any of the other ideas into videos anytime soon?
Anyways, just letting you know that you are so appreciated. Keep it up! - Maria Havens, Springfield, OH

I have a video called "Brand New Butt" from Janis Saffell and I love it. It's a bit older but the floor work at the end is awesome for the hips, thighs, and buttocks. I'm always sore afterwards in those areas so I hope they are helping. I'm trying to lose from my midsection and belly, my butt is not my problem. But, you have the right idea. You can tone a particular area but it takes all over work to create the finished product. Good luck!
I had the immense pleasure of working out live with Janis Saffell at the Eden Roc Spa in Miami Beach two weeks ago. She is as lovely in person as she is on screen. I had e-mailed her before coming to Florida and she could not have been warmer or more welcoming. I took step and sculpt classes with her and was impressed with their intensity and complexity. The step classes were vertical step in the style of her Bonus Step segment on Brand New Butt + Pilates and were a ton of fun. The sculpt classes were more fusion oriented, in light of her obvious background and strength in dance and Pilates. Man is that woman flexible! Anyway, I was able to chat with her only briefly before class but she told me that she is filming a kickboxing DVD for the QuickFix series this month. In keeping with the QF format there will be 3 ten minute segments each with a different focus (I think she said upper, lower, and abs). She also mentioned that she is hoping to shoot other workouts as well.
Elisa S. - Westchester, NY
I bought the video "Brand New Butt and More" thru Collage Video. I love the video-I do it 2-3 times a week, and I can tell that my rear view is shrinking-especially my thighs. Janis has a wonderful, funny personality which makes it fun to workout. I would buy more of your videos definitely!! - Becky Pohlmeyer
I love u so much your Tai Chi dvd helps me to build my body the way I hope & wish it! Thank u so much.
Lydia Mambu - Montreal Quebec
Post on June 6, 2011
Dear Janis, I worked out with your Reform Your Body video yesterday and I am feeling it today. Thank you so much, I love the workout. I just ordered my portable Reformer and ball. I am really excited to see how I can change my body. Thanks again.
Posted on March 31, 2012
Janis - I've used a lot of workout videos, but my favorite workout is the Balanced Workout (Tai Chi/kickboxing) that you did with Scott Cole. You guys did a great job together! it was fun, interesting! and it's always a great de-stresser to do that workout. And I have to give props to the music editor on it! I love the great mix of music. Would you ever consider doing another one together? Please, pretty please?
Posted on November 13, 2011
Dear Janis, I love your dvd and vhs tapes I have had over the years. You were my first kick box instructor and never my last. You will always be the best! I have the blue gloves from years ago and hand brush them. I absolutely cannot workout without them and nothing else is like these. Thank you.
Pat Mitchell
Posted on October 08, 2011
Greetings Janis, I was in your class for the pilates tool box with the bar /band reformer at the Cape Cod AAAI in August 2011. I like the thought of using the bar separated as well nice change. Thank you very much, be well
Sharon Obery
Posted on September 19, 2011
Hi Janis, I attended Pilates Too/Box and Reform your Body classes in Atlantic City. I really enjoyed the classes, very helpful. Thanks, Miryan
Miryan Bucholtz
Posted on June 12, 2011
Janis.... AWESOME class Sunday in AC! thanks!
Cathy Brown
Posted on June 11, 2011
To Whom it May Concern: Recently I purchased seven of Janis's workouts on DVD, one for everyday of the week, and I absolutely love everyone of them. I am a 42 year old stay home mother of two, whom I also home school, and I also care full-time for my 100 year young grandmother. Let me tell you, I am under a lot of stress on a daily basis, so I need something for me, and that something is Janis Saffell. Janis' workouts make me sweat, make me sore, bust most of all make me feel so good about working out. Her workouts are top rate, excellently choreographed, and quite a lot of fun to do, even my 12 year old daughter enjoys doing them. Janis has a fantastic personality
Victoria Sage-Kaplan