YOU ARE SO MUCH STRONGER THAN YOU THINK Never underestimate your potential. Are you ready to blast major fat and fire up your metabolism?...

SCULPT LEAN SEXY ARMS Make “I can” & “I WILL” your motto for life. Are you ready to blast fat and fire up the guns? Are you up for the...

Blast Fat with this quick Kickboxing Combo
Blast Fat with this quick Kickboxing Combo Do 3-4 sets, with 12 reps or perform exercise for 30-60secs! Become a member of...

How To Do a Walk Out Push Up - Video
How to do a Walk Out Push Up | Janis Saffell & Guest Sensei Ron Dukes The walk-out push-up is a compound exercise. This is a great...

If I could only do one exercise the rest of my life......
Total Body Blaster | Walking Pushups If you are looking for a full body exercise incorporating both upper body strength, core and lower...